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The views and opinions expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of APEX SUPERIOR unless subsequent or prior written confirmation is obtained from APEX SUPERIOR’s company director or authorized representative. APEX SUPERIOR does not accept responsibility or liability for any claims, loss, or damages of any nature whatsoever, arising from the contents of this message, or as a result of the reliance on such information by anyone.
While APEX SUPERIOR is fully entitled to rely on statements attached to or made in the message and/or rely on and hold you to your warranties, offers, or representations, representatives or employees of APEX SUPERIOR may not bind APEX SUPERIOR or conclude agreements via email unless the email is sent from an authorized representative or employee of APEX SUPERIOR using a prior and mutually agreed-upon format, the contents of which must be reduced to writing and signed by both parties.
While every reasonable precaution has been taken, APEX SUPERIOR cannot assure that the integrity of this communication has been maintained nor that it is free of errors, viruses, interception, or interference. APEX SUPERIOR accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever if information or data is, for whatsoever reason, incorrect, corrupted, or does not reach its intended destination. Unless a prior agreement has been made in writing and signed by both parties, APEX SUPERIOR will only have been deemed to have received an email when we have sent a reply in writing to you. Mail will only be constituted to have been sent to you once it reflects as a “Sent Mail” on our server. All rights reserved.